Global climate change. Is methane bomb scenario sensitive to melting permafrost of West Siberia peat land.php
Zhiliba А.I.1), Vandisheva G.A.1), Gribanov К.G.2), Zakharov V.I. 2)

1) Yugra state university, Khanty-Mansiysk
2) Ural state university, Ekaterinburg

We consider how to quantify the methane concentration in the atmosphere over the large area of Western Siberia based on hyper-spectral remote sensing data. Is Methane bomb scenario (triggered  methane gas emission as it was during Holocene) in evolution of pristine peat land and melting permafrost West Siberia and sub Arctic actual problem of the 21st century? 
Terrestrial wetland ecosystems were the major source of methane into the atmosphere of Western Siberia during the Holocene. The actual role of pristine peat land in global carbon balance has not been quantified at this time. In particular the sub-arctic peat lands, as extensively present in Western Siberia, are white spaces in knowledge of carbon exchange with the atmosphere. Nevertheless, actual impact of the natural and anthropogenic sources on atmospheric methane over Western Siberia has not been monitored yet. In our research project, the contribution of both natural and anthropogenic emission to atmospheric methane is estimated in Western Siberia. With geographical information technology combined with land unit classification using satellite images and ground measurements, area fluxes of methane are evaluated. Hyper-spectral remote sensing data is used to quantify the methane concentration in the atmosphere over the large area. 

Key words: Methane, hyper-spectral remote sensing, West Siberian peat land and permafrost ecosystems. 

Citation: Zhiliba А.I., Vandisheva G.A., Gribanov К.G., Zakharov V.I. 2011. Global climate change. Is "methane bomb" scenario sensitive to melting permafrost of West Siberia peat land? // Environmental Dynamics and Global Climate Change. V. 2. № 1(3). EDССrev0001. 

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